Congratulations to Professor S. Kevin. Zhou for the election of MICCAI Fellow

Prof. S. Kevin Zhou has been named a Fellow of the Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) for his contributions to the theory and application of medical image computing and their translation into clinical practice, the organization announced on Sep. 21, 2022.

The Fellow election of MICCAI started in 2009, 12 people were elected in the first election, and only 3 people were elected in each subsequent election, which aims to recognize senior researchers who have made significant scientific contributions in the field of medical image analysis. The elected process is strict, the candidates must be supported by at least two current Fellows first, then all current MICCAI Fellows will vote for the candidates to elect the new Fellows.

About MICCAI: The international society Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Society (the MICCAI Society) is dedicated to the promotion, preservation and facilitation of research, education and practice in the field of medical image computing and computer-assisted medical interventions including biomedical imaging and robotics, through the organization and operation of regular high-quality international conferences and publications which promote and foster the exchange and dissemination of advanced knowledge, expertise and experience in the field produced by leading institutions and outstanding scientists, physicians and educators around the world.